Thursday, April 30, 2015

End of Blog

I really enjoyed doing this project!  I could have added a lot more content and fully intended to but I am a mother of a four year old and am expecting a new baby due later this year! During the midst of this, about a month ago we had a giant leak occur in our home that resulted in my kitchen being completely ruined and had to be rebuilt. To this day we are still experiencing construction issues! So between all that and five classes this semester I was spread pretty thin!

With that said I enjoyed working on this a lot as Green Gods, Goddesses, and the culture as a whole have always interested me.  There is so much beauty in each myth this blog could probably go on forever! There are so many great resources out there to learn more about these deities if you're interested! Many popular movies focus on them, literature we covered in class and many left that we did not cover! The library has several great books too! I tried to incorporate some visuals as much as I could to give the blog a little extra, again there was a lot more I could have done! I am not up to date on the latest technology or ways to do things so it had a basic feel to it but one that I hope you still enjoyed. 

I look forward to seeing what my fellow classmates came up with and the fact that we did it guys! The semester is over! Wishing everyone a happy and fun Summer! Enjoy it, if you guys have had the semester I have you are just counting down the hours until all finals are done and you can take that first big breath! I think I will be holding my breath until my house is back in order, so cross your fingers for me that it happens soon! Containing a four year old boy in a room while construction is occurring is NO easy task!

Best of luck in all you do!


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