Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Artemis-Goddess of the Hunt

Artemis was born the daughter of Zeus and Leto, twin sister of Apollo.  According to a Greek myth, Artemis was midwife at the birth of her own twin brother.  During her birth, her mother experienced no pain unlike the birth of Apollo.  From then on Artemis was worshiped as a goddess of childbirth as well.  Wilderness, mountains, forests, and uncultivated lands were sacred to her as were the young and unmarried women. She herself was a virgin goddess and never married which is why she probably held such an interest in the young women of her time.
  Artemis was often depicted as attractive and sought after by many men who usually died in their pursuit of her.  She is usually shown as a young woman in a short tunic and sandals with a quiver and bows.  She was an aloof goddess, blood thirsty, and quick to anger and when annoyed, deadly consequences usually ensued.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photo to the left is the Temple of Artemis in Jordan.

Artemis in the Arts

Rembrandt depicted Artemis (called Diana by the Romans) bathing with her nymphs.  Several composers even wrote operas based upon some of her male pursuers and their deadly demise.  


In a male dominated society it is nice to see a female goddess with a focus on protecting and guarding her fellow women.  Today more and more we are finally seeing heroines in main stream media (tv, movies, etc).  What are some of your favorite female badasses?

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